Angela Rotella, FRP*

Licensing Specialist
T 813.273.5000
F 813.273.5145
101 East Kennedy Boulevard
Suite 4000
Tampa, Florida 33602
Angela Rotella, FRP is a Licensing Specialist/Paralegal in the Alcohol Beverage and Food Law Department and is based in the Tampa office. Angela assists food and beverage producers, manufacturers, importers, processors, distributors and retailers in obtaining and renewing all required federal, state and local permits throughout the US. She works with clients to secure label approvals and resolve labeling and registration issues before the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), as well as with applicable state regulatory agencies. Angela also has vast experience with sizeable, multi-state licensing projects. Angela is a Florida Registered Paralegal credentialed by The Florida Bar. She received her American Bar Association Certification in Paralegal Studies from Farleigh Dickinson University.
*Denotes non-attorney professional