GrayRobinson Mentioned in Modern Restaurant Management

ORLANDO, FL – April 2, 2020 – GrayRobinson, P.A. law firm was mentioned in the Modern Restaurant Management article, "What’s Next?: MRM Restaurant Survival Guide Updates." The article noted, "As the nation continues to face an unprecedented crisis, GrayRobinson, P.A. has formed a COVID-19 Task Force aimed at helping businesses and local governments respond to evolving legal and operational challenges caused by the pandemic. A team of leading attorneys and government relations consultants makes up the Task Force, with tailored skills and experience in the areas of employment and labor, health care, food and beverage, education, bankruptcy, and other sectors which continue to be most impacted by the coronavirus. With the COVID-19 Task Force, GrayRobinson further enhances its ability to interface with state, local, and federal government, while providing sound legal counsel." To view the full article, click here.