Richard Blau Featured in Connect Texas

TAMPA, FL – June 25, 2019 – Attorney Richard M. Blau, shareholder and chair of GrayRobinson’s alcohol beverage lawfood law and cannabis industry law practice groups, was featured in the Connect Texas article "Should Texans Flip Out About Whataburger?" The article concerns the private investment group BDT Capital’s acquisition of a majority stake in the Texas-headquartered, Dobson-family owned Whataburger restaurant chain. This decision has led some Texans to flood social media with posted memes and snarky comments about betrayal and selling out a hometown institution, the article proceeds to explain. Blau comments that the Whataburger acquisition is about expanding the restaurant’s concept outside of the southwest and southeast; the senior management team is remaining in place and the Dobson family continues to retain a minority interest in the restaurant. "I would expect [the Dobson Family] to say that hooking up with BDT gives them the resources to expand, while maintaining the quality and consistency customers expect," Blau added. "We’re not giving up on San Antonio. We’ve just gotten a powerful new engine that’s moving the company forward." Read the full article here.